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D Tutorial Table of Contents
01:12 User Input / Output
02:07 Compiling
02:25 Variables
02:44 Data Types / Formatted Output
06:18 Float Precision
08:30 Casting
10:50 Math
13:46 Date
14:43 Random Numbers
15:45 Arrays
20:48 Strings
24:37 Associative Arrays
26:47 More User Input
29:10 Conditionals
29:27 If / Else / Else If
30:52 Ternary Operator
31:25 Switch
33:16 For / Foreach Loop
36:18 While / Break / Continue
38:00 Do While
39:28 Functions
43:23 Recursion
45:10 In / Const / Out
46:35 Overloading
47:50 Tuples
50:15 Anonymous Functions
50:59 Map
52:28 Filter
53:09 Reduce
54:18 Generate
56:11 Enums
57:04 Exceptions
59:08 File IO
1:01:30 Pointers
1:03:18 Structs
1:06:26 Classes / Static/ This
1:11:52 Inheritance
1:15:53 Polymorphism
1:17:14 Interfaces
1:18:38 Abstract Classes
1:19:47 Templates
1:22:58 Mixins
1:25:09 Threads

Комментарий от : @derekbanas

Does anyone know how to clear the screen in Dlang? I do the same in C with --->> system("clear"). The compiler gives a 'warning', but still compiles!
Комментарий от : @savagepro9060

Here's another version of that first program:

import std.stdio;

void main(){
string name;
write("name: ");
name = readln();
writeln("Hello ", name);

Комментарий от : @thavrisco1632

Don't like the language, unnecessarily complicated, dragging inefficiencies from other languages: %s instead of directly the string variable; this is what I don't like about Swift, lots of typing for something that should be simple.
This is why this new language is worthless, it does dumb things that should have improved over previous languages:
cast.short(cInt) or cast(cInt,short); just WTF is this? cast(short) cInt: looks like is making cast on a short and then cInt it's just there, no relation, this is so dumb.
Pointers: sometimes the pointer variable is referenced as a non-pointer variable, dumb.

Комментарий от : @saultube44

is it possible to implement multiple interfaces, or classes with D?
Комментарий от : @Meleeman011

Good video, congratulations. I would like to ask if you made some video with GUI, using GTK or QT, or any other way to graphics output. TKS!
Комментарий от : @ice2642

This was very helpful :D
Комментарий от : @eboatwright3869

Fine so far is it goes, but it doesn't give much sense of what makes D unique and powerful as a language. Many of these interesting features are highlighted in the "D's Gems" menu dropdown you'll find at the top of this page: tour.dlang.org/

To give D a fair chance, you'll want to dig a good bit deeper - there's a lot of interesting stuff on offer in this industrial-grade language.

Комментарий от : @tullochgorum6323

Nice Derek Bananas!
Комментарий от : @KIXEMITNOG

I wish I could put likes multiple times
Комментарий от : @sergenorin

I wish you spent a bit more time on mixins and templates
Комментарий от : @mathyoooo2

Does anyone here know how to start the code in debug mode ?
Комментарий от : @g1patil

Shame it's not used more widely. Rust will push it even further out, as it takes bigger and bigger share of C and C++ traditional domains.
It's a sane C++ or C++ without suffering.

Комментарий от : @skyeplus

Reminds me a bit of Go
Комментарий от : @bobDotJS

Will there be a new video about D in 2021?

These releases have been made since your video:
2.095.0 (Jan 01, 2021)
2.094.2 (Nov 20, 2020)
2.094.1 (Oct 18, 2020)
2.094.0 (Sep 22, 2020)
2.093.1 (Aug 15, 2020)
2.093.0 (Jul 07, 2020)
2.092.1 (Jun 10, 2020)
2.092.0 (May 10, 2020)
2.091.1 (Apr 17, 2020)
2.091.0 (Mar 08, 2020)
2.090.1 (Feb 06, 2020)
2.090.0 (Jan 05, 2020)
2.089.1 (Dec 14, 2019)
2.089.0 (Nov 02, 2019)
2.088.1 (Oct 11, 2019)
2.088.0 (Sep 01, 2019)
2.087.1 (Aug 04, 2019)
2.087.0 (Jul 01, 2019)
2.086.1 (Jun 15, 2019)
2.086.0 (May 04, 2019)
2.085.1 (Apr 05, 2019)


Комментарий от : @dodsjanne

I dont like when people dont use vim
Комментарий от : @shahratinmahmud

Windows, Linux and Mac* Please don't ignore Linux users
Комментарий от : @SourabhSNath

Great tutorial Darek Keep it up
Комментарий от : @saritakumari-oh8fs

Great beginner tutorial! Thanks!
Комментарий от : @dodsjanne

Could you please upload a video on how to setup
Комментарий от : @baburajp8342

Can D be used for games like 3D?
Комментарий от : @xzy7196

i swear this guy makes a video for everything
Комментарий от : @jaymesc4436

int =/= Integer
An integer is between -255 to 255. The type "int" is just called "int"

Комментарий от : @tarantula1337

literally D:

Комментарий от : @user-kx5es4kr4x

Highly underrated programming language. I wish it was used more often.
Комментарий от : @ismailAx2011

Me: Mom can we get C?
Mom: We have C at home.
C at home:

Комментарий от : @atypicalambience3487

Best video ever I have found on the internet about programming. Thank you so much. This is a book content in one video.
Комментарий от : @leo523

Awesome !! Thanks dude :)
Комментарий от : @Slartipartfast42

Please Create a video about Nim. Especially its macros and templates.
Комментарий от : @kcvinu

Great video Derek luv your no " BS " aproach quick to the point, hate watching videos that go on for ever without getting to the point, this video tipped me into getting into the D lang, Any chances of making a Forth lang video, most books i read are either to difficult, poorly written or dont have enough clear examples, either way keep up the good work and thanks for your vids, cheers mate ;-)
Комментарий от : @ricowallaby

Hello Mr. Banas your videos are the best. There is a language called Frink. I want to know if you would look it over and check if it is worthy for one of your tutorials. In my opinion Frink has some amazing features.
Комментарий от : @earlmontgomery4616

I'd love a video on Ocaml as well as Ada :D Great content
Комментарий от : @SVVV97

Very great tutorial. Thanks for the video ;)
Комментарий от : @MarcinKralka

#Completed this series ..... Learning in One Videossssss
Комментарий от : @dhyanajaalvaa2290

very readable language, don't get it why doesn't it popular
Комментарий от : @spinning-around

I want Dlang with polymorphism and i want it now !
Комментарий от : @mebossyounothing

which package of atom can provide Code Tips and Automatic Completion for D language,or the Complete function of ide for D language
Комментарий от : @lancesadd3194

D is such a rich programming language, you absolutely need another 1,5 hours (or even two those). You only scratched the surface about what compiler magic can be done with templates and mixins. Sadly you didn't mention contract programming which can give you even more compile time checks and even change the behaviour of overloads. Also scope guards and destructors (RAII) are worth mentioning. And of course the module system which is vastly superior to c++ namespaces and header files. And there are a thousand more things to learn about D.

On the other hand, the learning curve is quite steep and the documentation is somewhat technical and examples are a little sparse. As much as I hate to say it but for simple, not performance related stuff, D just isn't the right tool. Also libraries can be a little hard to come by. The interfacing with c / c++ isn't quite as painless as promised.

Комментарий от : @Elite7555

Sir! Is D worth learning??
Комментарий от : @rev_krakken70

Kinda hoping you cover Nim soon, because I've been trying it out but kinda struggling a bit.
Комментарий от : @skaruts

Derek Banas: A precious gem in human form.
Once again, thank you my man.

Комментарий от : @timtim9o5

The perfect video if you want to learn ahh dee programming , ya...
Комментарий от : @rosshoyt2030

any chance you'd be interested in doing an old school opengl tutorial? It's hard to find non shader based ogl tutorials these days.
Комментарий от : @jc_dogen

Thank you for this video! I think my D is pretty solid now
Комментарий от : @DanipBlog

I never heard of this language
Комментарий от : @RexArtTv

Is it Ok to use void main in D?, in C++ it's a crime.
Комментарий от : @slayer5171

nice course broo
this language looks like javascript 🔥

Комментарий от : @contentprogramming

A, A#, B, B#, C, C#, D, NEXT UP: D# and the whole alphabet with their "#" versions LOL.
Комментарий от : @itech40

You realize you have a superpower right?
Комментарий от : @callmecraig3046

Very interesting language.
Комментарий от : @SourabhBhat

Could you please do a C in one video instead of a series that came out 5 years ago?
Комментарий от : @splatm4n8

In this final video of the series, we will learn Z in one video.
Комментарий от : @mmanuel6874

I've watched a lot of these video's, and especially appreciate the one on rust, but would it be possible to some day cover gtk?
Theres hardly any good video's on gtk.

Комментарий от : @Vancha112

Derek, do you plan on covering machine learning algorithms/implementations? I figured something with brain.js or something in python would be very interesting and there's not a ton of free content out there on it.
Комментарий от : @SuperJonalicious

Hi Derek, could you please make some of tutorial for PHP Socket Programming ?
Комментарий от : @rickywisnadri3318

Please make a Series in Spring and Spring boot.
Комментарий от : @thefreakingmindistaken

Hey Derek :) How are you doing today?
Just wanted to ask how far are you in Mathematics? What's the most advanced course you have ever learned?

Комментарий от : @exodus8814

I don't understand what is the point of all these languages if they are all basically the same?
Комментарий от : @TheChodex

Another small error at 1:23:10. mixin allow to generate code at compile time, not at run time.
Комментарий от : @galier2

Thank you man!
Комментарий от : @elkhoukhi

Finally D, i requested that maybe 1 or 2 years ago and here it is, awesome, thank you Derek
Комментарий от : @madceee

You're the best teacher ever ever!
I'll definitely come back to this video after finishing java tutorials
I know that this video's gonna be awsome
I couldn't wait until then and just wanted to leave this comment
Thank you Derek :-)

Комментарий от : @AsmaaPurity

I am afraid mixins only work at compiletime could you correct it at: youtu.be/rwZFTnf9bDU?t=4980?


@Derek Banas

Комментарий от : @UplinkHacker

Hi Derek, thank so you much for your awesome, and brilliant work. I have a question how can I make useful applications using this language, or any other language, I've learned many language, but I don't know how to use it build useful applications. I suggest if you make a video as a "road map" for new programmers to become true ones, and how they can build real world applications. Thank you again. You are the best :)
Комментарий от : @SherifAbdelhay

Never heard of this Programming language! Can anyone give me a brief information about it??
Комментарий от : @sirturnables

Next: F in one video.

Oh wait ...

Комментарий от : @themindstorm9947

31:50 In D you could instead write:
case "Chile", "Cuba":

Otherwise good tutorial c:

Комментарий от : @AdanosAdanosu

why would I use D?
Комментарий от : @jvcmarc

Hello Derek, great video! I was thinking here, could you do a video on how you created your cheat sheet panel in your site? I see it's with a lot of css, but it's hard to figure it out with so many events going on. Thank you for your time!
Комментарий от : @Joa764

can you do R programming in one video please ?
Комментарий от : @borntokill5000

teach me the D daddy Derek
Комментарий от : @123spill90

Students interested in working with D while earning a stipend can apply here: summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organizations/6103365956665344/
Комментарий от : @bastiaan9127

Well done derek really its so amazing what you do always we are appreciated for your video thnks alot Again well done:) I m from Somalia☝👍
Комментарий от : @libanabdi5337

Thanks. Should I continue to learn C or just go and learn D?
Комментарий от : @SOTGPhilly

as they say: "Don't read the docs, watch Derek's vidoes on youtube instead".

Stunning video. the best on the planet earth. Thanks Derek

Комментарий от : @2271masoud

Thanks for making the video! Some comments:
1. There's no need to import modules one by one in simple programs. You can simply do "import std.experimental.all;", and in the future will become "import std;" .
2. There's no need for separate compile and run steps. Simply do "rdmd dtud.d". The first line of D file can also be a shebang line, so if you make the file executable ("chmod +x dtut.d"), you would be able to run it as a bash script ("./dtut.d").
3. When formatting variables you can use "%s" for all variable types
4. Real is the only built-in type whose size platform dependent (I don't count size_t and ptrdiff_t as built-in - they're just aliases). Real can be the same size as double - 64-bit, but also 80-bit or even 128-bit.
5. For random numbers, you don't need to explicitly pass a new Random to the uniform function. If you don't pass one it will use the default thread local one, which is meant to be automatically initialized with a good seed.
6. Interfaces can define implementation using final methods. The difference between interfaces and abstract classes is that abstract classes can also define member variables and non-final non-abstract methods.
7. At 1:22:58 you said the code is going to be generated at run-time, while actually the code is generated and inserted at the place of instantiation at compile-time.

Комментарий от : @Pyrosource666

Sir ,why not you make videos on AI and Ml..? Please make videos on AI and Ml
Комментарий от : @mdmashkoor2379

Derek is a programming monster 👾. And good teacher :-)
Комментарий от : @Dinesh-ql1ok

could you please explain quantum computing/programming ?
can't find someone with enough guts to

Комментарий от : @metaorior

Another point: complex types are deprecated and will be removed sometime. The language is expressive enough to provide complex arithmetic in the standard lib that it was redundant and a burden to hold them in the compiler.
Комментарий от : @galier2

I wonder when humanity will have Z programming.
Комментарий от : @Pridetoons

FYI. real has no defined portable accuracy. It is a type to use the highest accuracy the platform provides. On x86 PC it happens to be the 80 bits float of x87 but on other platforms it can be 64 bits float, on others (ARM v8) 128 bits floats.
Комментарий от : @galier2

and here yall are learning the ways of the D
Комментарий от : @clankboss827

What exactly is D and who uses it?
Комментарий от : @champfisk5613

Rust language please!! :)
Комментарий от : @noname85808

Thanks for the review. Looks like completely useless language 😂. Thanks, anyway.
Комментарий от : @privettoli

What programming language that you do not know? :D
Комментарий от : @tabiApo41013

What about Agda?
Комментарий от : @Bredor

d for Derek programming language >.>
Комментарий от : @gloatsticks

This sounds like the perfect programming language for me right now I’ve been looking for a programming language just as easy to read as python and just as fast as C++👍
Комментарий от : @matthewrodriguez7957

Hey Derek how's your progress on learning Japanese?
Комментарий от : @kazami6317

Please do next week django
Комментарий от : @hamseyusuf1086

Thank you for another video!

Quick question: what editor would I use to implement D?

Also, have you ever or would you see yourself ever doing some DSP stuff in a tutorial? I’ve been dying to learn stuff like that- and though I’m currently working on attaining that knowledge I think a DSP tutorial by you would be very rewarding

Thanks again for all the content you make!

Комментарий от : @RP-mp4ow

Brings back so many memories. I was a c++/common lisp guy and they wouldn't let me use lisp too much in the job I had. D came out and I jumped on board almost immediately but it never got the traction that I hoped for. Luckily it looks like rust might do it this time.
Комментарий от : @draakisback

Awesome! Didn't even know the D language, looks interesting! Thank you for the detailed video once again 😃
Комментарий от : @alexandros-markovits

I know it might be useless in most places and conditions but I'd love a video about COBOL :d
Комментарий от : @JDoawp

Sometimes I doubt you're the creator of many programming languages.
I came to know most of the programming languages from your channel.
You deserve a title like

I don't have any words to praise or appreciate you.
You are #awesome #great and #fantastic.

Комментарий от : @viquarahmed3662

Yet another programming language, which a cross between C and python.
Комментарий от : @imrank340

And you go on! Wow!
Комментарий от : @manuelnovella39

You are The Best Thank You From Tunisia
Комментарий от : @alabhnhelloworldq5479

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