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9:23 “You can’t do this to me… YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED!?”
Комментарий от : @Rand0m_Us3r_

Don't we need ego though... I don't want to be just a person taking a dump so to speak. I want to be motivated to develop more identity. Forming more of a concept of "who I am"...my personal "identity" is what fills me (ego) but also what *motivates me.... So how do I divorce from ego when it's literally the fuel for life? Anyone relate or can someone give me insight on how to not have ego and have genuine personal motivation?
Комментарий от : @haylebales


Комментарий от : @jargalanjandavsvren8244

Hi Dr. K. Thank you for all the help and guidance you provide to people, but i have a question.

Context to the question:
You talked about living in the present, don't think about the future, dont think about the past. I understand this, focusing on the past leads to regrets, remembering the painful moments and often overall sadness, in terms of future, you are thinking about what it is you need to achieve, that you didnt achieve, what it is you should do but dont feel like doing now and you beat yourself about not doing it and how it is going to hurt your future and so the way to be happy should be, to focus on the present. I was wondering though, the example about the streamer you said is she was enjoying streaming, then stopped enjoying it (probably because of the dopamin reward system adaptation right?) but she stayed streaming because of ego and the overall social role and identity she created around it even thought she did no longer like it.

Actual question (or rather questions):
So in this situation, in your opinion, what should she do? stop streaming and focus on something else that makes her happy? You said watch the sunset, do something that makes you happy. But what if everything that makes you happy does not provide income for you? How are you going to live? Or what should you do in a situation in which basically producing stuff (creating value) is not enjoyable for you, only consuming stuff does?

For me personally, i know just-about what i want in life, but i dislike any vehicle of how to get there and therefore seem to be stuck in a same place.

Комментарий от : @Branko158

Dr K and Vivek can change the world
Комментарий от : @eawil-sunart

Raw early stage Dr. K is just what I & we needed
Комментарий от : @connorholmes8786

🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:29 🧘 Ego, in Sanskrit known as "Ahamkar," is the false self, often tied to external roles like job, nationality, or relationships.
02:51 🤔 Humkar activates as a protective mechanism when facing rejection or negative emotions. It distorts perceptions, creating a false narrative to shield from shame or discomfort.
07:08 🌅 Living in the present is a way to move away from ego. Activities like watching a sunset or even a simple act like taking a dump can help detach from external identities.
10:34 💼 Building identity solely around external factors, like a job or external validation, can lead to crises when those external factors change or are threatened.
13:48 📹 For streamers, the challenge is to create content without letting the number of viewers define their worth. Developing a healthy identity beyond external validation is crucial.
16:57 🔄 Rejection sensitivity dysphoria, though not explicitly defined clinically here, is discussed as a phenomenon where low self-confidence can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy of negative interactions.
19:13 🔄 Low self-confidence may lead to a negative cognitive bias, where positive feedback is discounted, reinforcing a lack of confidence. Addressing this bias is crucial for building self-esteem.
19:27 🔄 Rejection Sensitivity Syndrome is not about actual rejection, but the belief that only rejection is appropriate. Building confidence in oneself is crucial to overcome it.
20:39 🤔 If you feel confident but handle compliments and insults the same way, it indicates a lack of true confidence. Confidence is multi-dimensional and should be unbiased in receiving feedback.
22:30 🤷 Body dysmorphia, especially in bodybuilders, can be challenging to treat. The distinction between ego-syntonic and ego-dystonic behaviors is essential in understanding psychological issues.
26:30 🚫 Calling something "easy" in the context of building confidence is devaluing and implies incompetence. Confidence is not easy, and labeling it as such overlooks the individual's struggle and challenges.
28:16 🔄 Self-destructive behaviors can be ego-syntonic, where individuals believe they are doing the right thing even though they are harming themselves. Recognizing self-destructive patterns requires self-reflection.
31:24 🌳 Building confidence involves challenging oneself in ways where external judgments are irrelevant. Spending time in nature, engaging in activities without societal expectations, can contribute positively to confidence development.

Made with HARPA AI

Комментарий от : @LearningKaizen

Im really shit math and i keep on fighting it by saying no when resistant.
Комментарий от : @magiclovelinu7234

something i found that makes me able not to react out of ego is simply taking a few seconds to focus on my breathing. i guess that puts you in direct contact with yourself instead of an idea of who you are.
Комментарий от : @AlbornozVEVO

ego isn't your enemy, ego is your edge
Комментарий от : @moredatesmoreplates2312

Can you do a video on how to go about the process of finding a therapist. I’m an artist and architect but I feel most Therapists trend too much on an average nominal NPC therapy. David Lynch famously said that therapy has a tendency to quell creativity. He thus turned to TM. But i also realize maybe that just worked for him.
Комментарий от : @allenghaida4261

Doing things that you are afraid of is also a very good thing becoming confident. Confident is essentially trusting yourself. If you think about it, only selfdoubt and anxiety is keeping from beeing confident. I mean if you are a person who isnt very confident, then you will often have very doubtfull thoughts... The best thing that you can do is to weaken those thoughts. Try to memorize as many bad/negative thoughts you may have and write them down. Then you ask yourself these questions to each negative thought that you have written down:

What is so absurd about this belief/attitude?
What disadvantages will I have physically/emotionally/spiritually if I hold on to this belief/attitude?
What advantages do I have if I free myself from my disturbing belief pattern/attitude?
How does it feel when I imagine that I have already freed myself from this disturbing feeling?

Try to answer them as best as you can and then go act and do the stuff that you were most afraid of.
When you start answering these Question honestly you will cripple your selfdoubt and anxiety, then it becomes way easier to do the things that you are afraid of.

And after that you will be rewarded with great Confidence and inner peace. Believe me i did them a long time ago and still do it everytime i sense a negative thought in myself. Now, iam so confident that i literally do NOT care what other people who don't know me very well think of me.

And iam someone who had a realy bad case of social phobia and depression. I also came to a point in my life where i wanted to end it, but thats a very long time now and i came so far on my journey that iam so thankful for every minute on this planet. Just try it guys everything is possible, believing is key. 😎😎👌👌

Комментарий от : @menos1230

The person in the background took a sip of milk after you started talking about taking a dump.😂
Комментарий от : @theteammelk

11:30 Can we say that our identity is defined by our current actions i.e. thing that you're doing right now, at the moment? And if that is the case, then, can we also say that two or more humans doing same things within a definite time frame, given they are at the same place, are no different whatsoever?
Комментарий от : @r0075h3ll

Rejection sensitivity syndrome - That sounds familiar. I guess I have it on some level. It spoils my game time, and I'm basically dropping off my controller and keyboard.

I still am not saying that gaming is the problem here, but it's over other parts of my life.
I have no friends, and social culture here is bs, so try to do anything without alcohol...

I'm confident with executing plans and going along, but not really being in front and first.
I can't start conversations really, at least couldn't in school, but I've always known that adult people follow some basic rules in conversations, and uphold basic levels of respect for others as part of the egoistic mask, for whatever reason.
If they see me really worthless or not worth of the time, they wouldn't do even that.
Usually I would see the points that would either point at either them being in hurry, or that they think they are big and buff.

I would like to find that confidence to stand before those people who carry inflated egos.
It has always been something I've never understood, and something I've been somewhat scared of.
I feel bit nasty for thinking about playing around with the size of my own ego, but that shouldn't matter right?
I was like seven or eight when I first time faced someone that had built up some sort of ego for themselves, who was same age, and they used it to just insult me, and to just reinforce their own ego.
I was ok with the insult, but I didn't understand why would someone do something like that to someone just to inflate their ego and started crying.

I have some level of dysmorphia, and I feel either fat, or something that has never changed, and my body has changed its size multiple times. Im not so worried about my body, but I can't really think it's any different. What I think it is that it is fat or lower mid.

Комментарий от : @Jokervision744

I love Stańczyk
Комментарий от : @szymonbaranowski8184

Комментарий от : @ArthurDavidConner

That's feel so right. I don't feel bad but because I sacrificed my life for my mom. I feel like I have no value to be loved and don't find it valuable to cultivate relationships.
Комментарий от : @YouilAushana

im addicted to dr k videos
Комментарий от : @kay8379

I'd like to figure out who I am ASAP 23 now. I want the rest of my life to be healthy and happy, and spread both of those out to as many people as I can.
Комментарий от : @bryson5855

7:33 12:00 14:23 15:42 18:10
Комментарий от : @frailimbnursery

is having an ego a good thing or a bad thing?
Комментарий от : @michielstreefland7711

Flawless Dr.K 💯💯💯
Комментарий от : @sanjlon4522


45 viewers WOW

Комментарий от : @WillLarkin

Комментарий от : @rexsarmatiae7897

why is medieval XQC in the thumbnail
Комментарий от : @davecoops4159

This is so helpful. Thank you again Dr. K, I'm finding so many parts of the equation to understanding myself through your videos, group coaching and your Guide
Комментарий от : @turnipslop3822

Rick and Morty really took the idea of "But if all I am is a dude who's taking a dump, no one can take that away from me" 10:40
Комментарий от : @wepl

11:53 is it possible to not develop this part of the brain?
I as a child accepted that no one will ever like me and that is it actually their problem and that I dont really care.
Had some amazing friends since then and still do. I just feel like I dont really care what they think of me, so sometimes I do some stupid shit and they are like: "you are such an idiot" but in a good way and they still like me. This not caring what people think of me, gives me so much freedom to express myself

Комментарий от : @procrastinathor4594

Whos that behind him
Комментарий от : @user-eo6rx5no2z

I disagree, you are your ego, there isn't a clear distinction between you and your ego, but you can keep coping
Комментарий от : @user-ob2ev4yl8k

7:33 just a perfect explanation
Комментарий от : @darius6867

Self negative talk and blame, is because of your ego, it's easier to just become negative and don't change yourself
Focus on the present to move away from ego
Your status and resume for example is about future and past, not about the present
You are just a human breathing. It doesn't matter what your job is or what is your age, your sex etc

Комментарий от : @joshuacorvi8364

Here are two ways to think of bias. One way is that bias is a filter. Another way is that bias is a result of ignorance.

Bias is a filter in that we can only focus better on fewer things at a time. In this way, bias is a useful tool for exploration. Bias as ignorance is bad when we fail to realize our bias and avoid either the exploration of or remembering the already explored mental territory that we found other useful ideas in.

One fundamental problem: knowing when to look in the place of our unknown unknowns, or that we should even go there at times. The solution can be to assume that one has a bias, and that there is a useful place that is an unknown unknown for one, and spend a reasonable amount of time looking for alternative answers. One can start with opposing answers, then go to answers which are slightly more nuanced and don’t fit into either side, such as an answer that integrates the good of both sides and throws out the bad of each.

Комментарий от : @mintee8638

10:20 identity tied, crisis further down the line
12:00 hs
14:35 concerned abt how its going to look

Комментарий от : @jletsgoo

The best thing that I got from that video was that you've started with 45 viewers. It made me realize that I may be able to achieve something in my life one day. It's funny as since I had found your channel I've never thought "damn, that dude had to start somewhere". I was just thinking you were always popular. Thanks for staying with us all that time, you are really doing what you like and as other comment said, you haven't changed, only the quality went up.
Комментарий от : @mylegispotato

who is feral cat?
Комментарий от : @cooledcannon

What's with the dude in the background?
Комментарий от : @ShahabSheikhzadeh

Ego = the way others perceive you.
Best common denominator so far that encompasses what you talk about.
Or realisitically at least the way you care and imagine what others think of you. Mantra : "I don't give a damn what others think".

Комментарий от : @Rhinoch8

9:27 is the epitome of norman osborn's "you can't do this to me, i started this company! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED"
Комментарий от : @katastrophecy

Do you think the executive who got kicked out of the company he built was Papa John?
Комментарий от : @Owwil

Nature might not judge yoou if you are to weak, but it might literally kill you.
Комментарий от : @muffinn1337

What if I have hemorrhoids?
Комментарий от : @4c6f

you manner of speaking lacks compassion. it sounds very egoistic . I think you don’t mean it so if you fix this, you could heal so many people.
Комментарий от : @MountRigi

Hoomans are strange
Комментарий от : @healmyvision5941

Why does the thumbnail look like a crowned penis? :‘D
Комментарий от : @healmyvision5941

When I compare old doctor k style to new doctor k style. I think they're both helpful in different ways.
I think it would be helpful if this style returned occasionally. Because it covers a wide range of issues.

Комментарий от : @tankfire20

His BPD patient in the back just chilling.

Nobody will get this joke and those that do won't admit they did. Eye contact with DrK intensives

Комментарий от : @RIPxBlackHawk

the dump part sent me. But it's so true!!!
Комментарий от : @voicedbilabialtrill2514

I can confirm that constipation hurts like a motherfucker
Комментарий от : @dinofrog926

19:15 "You think I'm a fuckup? I can get behind that." The way he delivered that had me cracking up😂
Комментарий от : @impulsiveDecider

So being a man taking a dump is something no one can take from me eh?
So be it.

I am hereby Lord Deficus, taker of mountain dumps, and he who sits upon the Iron Toilet.

Комментарий от : @aarn321

Did you know something about "Stańczyk" on thumbnail ?
Комментарий от : @Warciarz04

Just adding that picture on thumbanil could be different this is red guy called Stańczyk is in painting of Prussian Homage in 16 century what he is doing as Painter intended
His worried face shows doubt that the homage will mean victory in the long run, and he is making a gesture to repel bad luck. Cause in future this country that was doing homage is one of the countries taking apart Poland and ending it's independence.

Комментарий от : @fragmentsofhisory714

Damn this guy helped me realize i am pretty freakin egotistical, even tho i dont act like the normal word of ego, i act like i have no ego so that people will like me, man i have shit to change
Комментарий от : @ducktrapper483

Комментарий от : @TheFloozi

My ego problem is now regarding dating apps. If I dont have a bunch of people like me (even if I dont like them) I feel like im an ugly person, even despite the fact Im literally only looking for ONE person. Its made it incredibly hard for me to do online dating for that reason because I start having a rollercoaster of an experience. "Im so hideous nobody wants to date me" or "OMG THIS PERSON LIKED ME OMG IM NOW MORE VALUED"
Комментарий от : @seb1520

"I dump, therefore I AM"
Комментарий от : @hardboiled7467

Комментарий от : @ryan._.6417

"Who's taking a dump?"

"I AM"

Комментарий от : @snakeeyes7973

Best Dr. K quote yet:
"Ask yourself, who you are when your taking a dump. Do you have a net worth when your taking a dump?"

Комментарий от : @bornamorasai5285

I wonder if Dr.k, since his climb in viewership, has had struggles not to identify himself with his/theirs channel and foundation.
Комментарий от : @theo5247

10:05 the Indian accent is fighting back 😂😁
Комментарий от : @seeker_2000

why can't he just explain it once? his presentation seemed pretty much free style. I have no idea what ego is after watching the video.
Комментарий от : @starstenaal527

Can somebody tell me where that thumbnail is from ?
Комментарий от : @Erikschwammkopf

Im 23 and still no confidence
Комментарий от : @honestaditya6860

Makes me think how money is tied to ego because it's all about the future
Комментарий от : @TrustInTheUniverse

9:28 This smile tells me his patient was Papa John lmao
Комментарий от : @The-Zing-Man

Note, they mean "mask" is in prequarantine sense
Комментарий от : @ihorkarpiuk4102

"I'm not any better or worse than anyone else." This is such a critical and difficult thing for people learn.
Комментарий от : @hansonel

Dr. K's friend: 🤣
Dr. K: Not funny
Dr. K's friend: 😐

Комментарий от : @pej8422

Dr.k told me next time I have low self-esteem, I should go take a shit
Комментарий от : @theeggdover1243

this is genuinely the channel that has had the biggest impact on me since i started watching youtube a decade ago
Комментарий от : @tintintin070

"When I am taking a dump, I am no different from anyone else." Doctor K - 2019
Комментарий от : @rajjo9241

he has helped me so much he doesn’t even know. just know people appreciate you man!!❤️
Комментарий от : @syd8442

"I am a dude who just takes a dump" is now my favourite quote
Комментарий от : @pedrogeraldo5938

I am confident that I am not confident.
Комментарий от : @jakubs.6767

Комментарий от : @Burninbotany

Thc/cbd Or psilocybin will get u dumping hella quick
Комментарий от : @hellacooook

Комментарий от : @isack4426

Do NPD have an ego?
Комментарий от : @flawns

11:34 what he had 45 Viewers back then
Комментарий от : @RandomMusik

Комментарий от : @electrogamer6837

22:45 body builders dysmorphia
Комментарий от : @Andregtz

With the way he describes “the mask,” I’m assured of the meaning in the song “Beneath the Mask” from Persona 5.
Комментарий от : @Zenkyuu8921

I’m just a dump taker bruh
Комментарий от : @emberjaxx585

When he talks I swear to God I feel like all my failures are completely okay and life is gonna be alright.
Комментарий от : @meganfaircloth4843

This video inspired me to take a dump! Thanks doc🙏🙏🙏
Комментарий от : @specialknees6798

what is the painting in the thumbnail?
Комментарий от : @the9file

Stańczyk Pog
Комментарий от : @kaloryferpralka

fantastic video
Комментарий от : @flawns

33:49 so thats why trains says to go to a forest and become a furry
Комментарий от : @cobi617

im watching the video on 12th october 2020
Комментарий от : @KasaChaineSecrete

so depression is when you even beat your ego the self protecting gear?
Комментарий от : @anupamsingh7895

Your friend that has cancer could benefit from plant based diet. With proper water intake it reduces constipation significantly and also processed meat is classified as group 1 carcinogen and red meat as group 2.
Комментарий от : @Izkapts

I still feel like i dont exactly know what ego is or how it relates to me. Like how does my ego work?
But the fact that I care about my ego might mean that I do have some egocentric? behaviours. Or maybe i just didnt get the meaning of ego?... help

Комментарий от : @moonsaer

When's this guy starting a cult? cuz I'm in.
Комментарий от : @steffan5982

Apple users got a heart attack after seeing the thumbnail
Комментарий от : @non-inertialobserver946

Love you dude thank you!
Комментарий от : @karlnord1429

But how to get confidence in dating, because you can't date without someone judging you.
The only way is to start without thinking but like that's the first time you date you're gonna be horrible and your confidence will decrease even more.
So how to get confident in the domains where people judge you?

Комментарий от : @hifumiVAL

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