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Community college is great. I have 2 twin younger brothers and all of us were in college at the same time. I decided some time in middle school that if I'm going to be taking basically the same courses in community college as I would the first 2 years at a normal university, why spend the extra money? All of my CC debt is paid off now and my remaining debt is only from my last 2 years at university.
Комментарий от : @SRMkay

ALL 8 Ivy leagues is CRAZY
Комментарий от : @eunwookim4844

CCs are great!! i went to SRJC and had a great experience!!! then transferred to UCBerkeley.
Комментарий от : @wishIKnewHowToLove

It doesn’t change anything you’re still a slave to rich people and the government 😂😂😂
Комментарий от : @ricardomiguel5647

Guys lets talk about Emily shes such a sweetheart
Комментарий от : @mistybreath

Why is this video just shitting on ivy league?
Комментарий от : @pooblock4092

Adien is whining for someone who got there college paid for 😂
Комментарий от : @PowerOfYouth652

I feel like everyone is where they are at because of how hard you tried or not
Комментарий от : @PowerOfYouth652

I went to a state school, but everyone I work with went to an Ivy. Jokes on them.
Комментарий от : @SlangScientist

I have never had a desire to go to an Ivy League, as a kid thrpugh school I knew Military would be my best bet. Now I'm going to Comm College for free, and Im getting my Associates in EMT/Paramedic. Ive also been to trade school, and I wish high schools would beat on other paths as much as a 4 year university.😊
Комментарий от : @samharwood94

My reasoning for going to community college (and then transferring to a university) was to get a smooth transition into college. I wanted to be able to get used to college without also having to get used to the university's campus at the same time 😂 the community college is all one campus that you can walk fully across in like 10 minutes
Комментарий от : @chatsmeow2997

I’d like to watch a follow up interviews of these participants.
Комментарий от : @Roscn-dn36

I went to both..... and I learned that waffles are free on Wednesdays 😂😂😂
Комментарий от : @user-jk3me9qi8g

Where is the girl from the CC now? I would like to know if she was able to reach her dreams writing books. ❤
Комментарий от : @nicholdelossantos7462

i feel like this would be more productive if they didn't start with a literal line drawn between them
Комментарий от : @jacobburesh8522

Community college is for children and the elderly and mature, sophiticated adults go to ivy league
Комментарий от : @SimoneShaw-fy2zm

Ivy League high and hard filters the not ready kids out. Rural lack of makes less for kids going to a better college. Not that they are lazy just they just don't make enough money! Community College has it's issues in who goes to it. Like the prank I did dressing up as a functional illiterate on the first day of class. Pissing off the other students who only see the grade point AVG tanking because of me. "Not going to get much out of this class!" Or if the professor walks in with overalls. Farmers education get your money back for the class. I took a class 3 times got my money back before I went to get a recommendation for a better professor. And community College you get the rednecks like the ones that stapled medical pamphlets on colostomy bags on the LGBT bulletin board in the 90's. Community College also is not viewed well in the light of social mobility. Substandard not accredited etc. Community College is seen as a career college for a career! As you get what you pay for!
Комментарий от : @walmartramen

there’s so little community at my community college. people just go to class and leave and it sucks. it sucks seeing everyone you know go away to expensive colleges and have cool dorms and i don’t.
Комментарий от : @bag_lady_

these people are annoying
Комментарий от : @zayanhasan7745

Just do you people ivy leagues aren't these narcissistic rich kids.
My bf is very smart and is going to a ivy and I'm a highschool drop out with a GED starting community college.
We are all just trying to find success and happiness

Комментарий от : @Pvppy_dr3amz

I went to community college. I am now 1 year away from graduating with my doctorate from a fairly prestigious R1 University. Where you went for undergraduate is highly important, but it is not the end all be all for determining your long-term career/professional or personal trajectory.
Комментарий от : @IAmKrazyKyle

Saul was born in 1935.
Think about that for a moment

Комментарий от : @Airestotle09

Saul is a treasure of a human being
Комментарий от : @Airestotle09

womp womp
Комментарий от : @shaiksafwan3062

Community colleges are drastically underrated in my opinion! They are a fabulous way to figure out what you TRULY want to study without wasting TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars at a university. Not to mention they are a great starting point to transfer into university later down the road.
Комментарий от : @rebeccavl97

a point i don't feel like we emphasize enough is the monetary aspect. so many people (myself included) couldn't even dream of going out of state or to a more "prestigious" (not even ivy league) university simply because we couldn't afford it. I wanted to dream bigger than what was a couple hours from my house, but that wasn't a choice i was given.
Комментарий от : @mro_se

That compliment was charming af 11:25
Комментарий от : @eduardoandrescontrerasrome6703

Congrats Saul
Комментарий от : @Timmyboy505

Ivy League is just the College for Rich Liberals
Комментарий от : @JDGrawe0221

I loved this conversation. It’s not correct to deny someone’s identity and emotions are indeed (in some or many respects) tied to their education. After-all, going to college is one of the earliest real-world experiences that millions of people experience in their early adulthood years.
Комментарий от : @SirAntonPowell

I graduated years ago…. And see things now in a different perspective. A lot of doors really open now with a graduate degree. I rather spend the extra money for my children’s graduate school than a BA. Just my 2 cents….
Комментарий от : @janesanchez7785

Getting into an Ivy League is a major accomplishment.
Комментарий от : @AviationAnalysis5987

It's aint Soccer. It's Football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Комментарий от : @PG-10

My community college taught better than my uni. University prof are focused on research and not teaching at state schools
Комментарий от : @jordanranstead3016

I'm going to community college because I make more money off BAH from my GI Bill lmfao. ez money I'm making more than people with a full time job just by being a student 💀
Комментарий от : @willmccauley22

An affirmative action or legacy common ground would be so fun!
Комментарий от : @katertot06

That look on her face, says it all, and sum all the whole 20 mins conversation.

Комментарий от : @AtomLabX

Interesting how all the Ivy League students’ tuition was paid by their parents
Комментарий от : @YoungASUCarey

I believe that the community college individuals don't fully represent the whole students from community college
Комментарий от : @AndreaRamirez-cv9hb

This is just sad.
Комментарий от : @Ratgodx

Normally the IVY students are better...
Комментарий от : @viscourtroy

I wish there was a video for “do all software engineers think the same”
Комментарий от : @el7075

Girl with the red hair is clearly more envious of others education than focused on her own, comparison is the theif of joy. Live your own life. Someone from yale is probably envious of kids who have massive inheritance and dont need an education. Life will always be sad if you look around enough, keep your head down and focus on your own goals
Комментарий от : @richardmarshall4416

It was nice to see one of these middle grounds that was very friendly for once
Комментарий от : @evan50748

What a more name brand educational institution does that a lot of smaller non name brand ones is I think prepare you a little better for success. Some community colleges do decently, but I have yet to have anyone tell me that they do extremely well at it. I've seen a video from Harvard and M.I.T. They're much more selective and set you up for success. They find roommates, study groups, books, all the materials you need are either provided with tuition, or essentially forced on you. I know that university shouldn't hold your hand, but a lot of these places in general kind of just let you go and discover it on your own. Again, the more notable names also have a reputation to uphold where as it's less important for a lesser known school.

Obviously unit per dollar in this case, community college is much better. You often have similar if not identical quality instruction as a more well known school. I know that an Ivy League school will have a lot more brand power than a community college, but obviously each place can only accept a certain amount of students. There are a lot more people trying to get into Yale than (name here) community college.

Комментарий от : @sirena7116

I feel like your school being your identity is not great. We are students but humans too and my identity is a lot more based on what it is I study more than where it is that i study.
Saul said this a lot better than I did

Комментарий от : @matthieupaty5032

I think the Ivy League students were thinking after this "I'm smart academically, but this older gentleman is really smart in life experiences. There is no substitute for life experiences."
Комментарий от : @rushrush1209

I never understood why so many American students strive for a spot at a prestigious school. Like why is there embarrassment around going to Community College? As an international student, I chose a tiny 2-year college just because it seems like a much friendlier and motivating environment. Also it's obviously the most affordable, and I don't see the point in spending tons of money on a special university just because it's fancy. Anyway, that's just my 2 cents :) Everyone should be proud of themselves for getting higher education at all!
Комментарий от : @cyverbun

The stigma surrounding community college makes so sense to me honestly. It's so obvious the US university system is so messed up
Комментарий от : @sherrimusic9172

Having attended both a CC and public university (with the transfer rate into my major being <2%), I experienced that the quality of education and instruction were (often) better at the CC. If I could finish my bachelor's at the CC, I would've chosen to do that.
Комментарий от : @sunshine1004

How do you know if someone went to Harvard? Don't worry, they will tell you.
Комментарий от : @Vriappiopoi

Finance investment banking industry with a focus on tech media and entertainment 😮 is there such a thing
Комментарий от : @mitchieyy

if you learn… you learn
Комментарий от : @somethingmysterious1135

who gaf they made the choices to get to ivy league they made the choices to get into community college simple
Комментарий от : @chrisjoseph6491

The way Cassandra articulated "networking" was amazing
Комментарий от : @MURKGOAT860

I know 2+2 we up there
Комментарий от : @MURKGOAT860

No one is privilege if they had to work hard , even working smarter is hard work not to mention the other mental traumas parents have to deal with
Комментарий от : @candicelondon

Im in 6th grade trying to get in all these colleges lol
Комментарий от : @PhenomenonAnimates

playing soccer is not really ivy league
Комментарий от : @juandjose

Why do the cc students act like transferring is not a thing...... u could even transfer to an ivy league if you qualify enough to do so, it's not impossible......
Комментарий от : @xnoodzx839

I attended to community college my first two years. It was the absolute best experience I have ever had so far in my life, I made a a lot of great friends, had awesome professors, and made a life long partner. My GPA at the end of my two years was 3.81 and I had so many options to go to almost any prestigious Universities in my State. After visiting these schools, I came across a lot of students with big egos and either made it because their parents had money or they were really smart. The idea that " My school is a huge part of my identity" was being felt all around when I talked to some students on these campuses. I realized that this wasn't the type of environment I wanted to surround myself in and founded it to be toxic. I realized my happy place was back home with my friends and family, and many of my friends were attending at my local University. Staying home and going to my local University was the best decision I have ever made :)
Комментарий от : @alejandrohernandez7340

i feel like the whole point of the ivys is that the name gets more doors open for jobs. Which is just a fact but that doesn't mean people didn't work hard. Thankfully jobs are now looking less at your colege and more at whether you are skileld enough to fit into their job position. ALso I was surprised that this whole discussion was just respectful, no arguing.
Комментарий от : @shawnthomas6492

Here’s my story. I went to college for 2 years. I wanted to work as a Japanese interpreter, but I was already fluent. My time and money spent at university frustrated me. It was all being spent simply for a piece of paper to “prove” myself to future employers. I chose not to play the game, so I quit. I moved to Japan and just started job hunting. Got a visa. Got hired at a big company as an interpreter/international sales guy. After a few years, some other foreigners finally joined my team. Same age as me. They were from Tokyo University and Baylor if I remember correctly. They were under my supervision for the first year. Should have seen their reaction one day when they found out I didn’t finish university. When I made the decision to quit, I was very worried at the time about my future. But seeing their faces made me know it was worth it. No student loans, 4 years of experience instead of 4 years at school. Best decision I ever made in my life. Didn’t play the game ✊
Комментарий от : @colinDESU

Could they have picked worse representatives for the side community college. Their approach seems so disinterested which leaves me the same way.
Комментарий от : @Path0Os

6:00 the parkers sitcom went to santa monica jus like saul
Комментарий от : @kuhunuh

Ivy League football programs vs non Ivy league football programs. Ivy League cheerleaders vs non ivy league cheerleaders. Lets see it.
Комментарий от : @jamesbond-xl3xs

The fact that these goofballs think their ivy league college is a huge part of their identity literally tells you everything you need to know about them.
Комментарий от : @Monkonmunky

Community College for me😊
Комментарий от : @eshaanreza832

super interesting video!
This might be kinda niche but it would be cool to see an Art School vs "Normal" University Art Majors debate! I went to art school and have met people who have done both routes to get to an art/design career. Everyone's reasonings are really interesting and diverse! I think it would be fun to see explored in this format! Of course- I'm not sure if it would appeal to non-art majors 🤷‍♀

Комментарий от : @megc138

Going to an Ivy League definitely gets you in the door but it’s up to the person to do the rest. You have to work hard most often times to get in an Ivy League so more power to those who work hard to get in
Комментарий от : @t.marieking3239

You should do Public University vs Ivy vs Private
Комментарий от : @AlphaParticle

Saul's a G for real
Комментарий от : @zimena3793

“competing towards the best people” he literally just proved her point that ivy league students see themselves as better than others
Комментарий от : @taki8885

Bunch of goofballs
Комментарий от : @ethanpatrick789

I'm so proud of Saul. He's such a great example to everyone!
Комментарий от : @justanotheryoutubefan8070

“I’ve formulated an argument 🤓🤓🤓” LMFAO
Комментарий от : @Derek-fe4yw

The point of college is about the people you meet and at the top ranking colleges you meet people and the highest ranking colleges will have the smartest people. also the community college people (besides saul) didn't recognize that most of the student body doesn't pay full tuition and are on financial aid
Комментарий от : @leohao1688

We need to see college degrees and no degree millionares
Комментарий от : @ryankjamess

Cory is giving white washed Asian but what’s new
Комментарий от : @RATOLICIOUSXX

Congrats Saul!
Комментарий от : @mabahoedits

I too went to LBCC
Комментарий от : @MegaloSaro

rich parents
Комментарий от : @hayekhayek580

personally, i believe that no school is better than the other, just better or worse for certain people
Комментарий от : @forest433

coming from a com college student, deeply appreciated how respectful and careful with her words emily was
Комментарий от : @sleepyleigha

Writers are one of the most intelligent people in the world. More intelligent than Doctors in my perspective. There are so many jobs relating to writing. Just don’t limit your scope. I’m not a writer
Комментарий от : @2FingerCODM

So much respect for Saul!!
Комментарий от : @tanvi3064

Yale cannot represent the whole identities it' just the big name and just show up his ego identities.
Комментарий от : @connectica45166

Going to big name school vs community college ?
I learned from having done it that the most important thing are the quality of the teachers in your classrooms and labs along your educational journey no matter where you attend.

Комментарий от : @StanJones-ww8th

Let’s be honest: the community college people will end up working for the ivy people in the future
Комментарий от : @nazlicankaplankiran2871

the education / school system in America is so bipolar - for the rich na dfor those who can't affford regardless of ecademic ability
Комментарий от : @kutispwet6441

Better call Saul
Комментарий от : @shakoiatenhawithacrossjaco9051

As someone who’s going to UGA I feel like I’m in in the middle.
Комментарий от : @jacksonhilley7429

People shouldn’t account other people’s opinions based on the name and price tag of the College/University they’re going to, individuals have their own race. I rather admire the individuals work ethic to get to such a valued university. End of the day, everyone is educated.
Комментарий от : @torino5121

You realized may be the first year after you finish your degree, the recruiter may wonder that you come from Ivy League, but then after 3-5 year of work no one care about this and they only look at your performance and the value you bring to the company. The value and your performance is what non of the school can ever teach you because that is your own journey to explore
Комментарий от : @lnss-toy5238

Y'all r all just proving why the video should exist in the first place- esp since there's so many students like Cory out there in the world today, there's always some ppl that just attack them for wanting to do their best; Even if their best means they can get into an Ivy League like- don't be sour abt it, support them instead :/
Комментарий от : @rachn5788

if your whole personality is based on you being in a ivy league then Don't interact with me. it's like a med student making their while identify around going to medicine and making lots of money.
Комментарий от : @Me-rd7po

Now I really want to read Saul's books he is so cool
Комментарий от : @juliachaves1499

I love Saul
Комментарий от : @ysafrancine1239

Saul's mindset is incredible, obviously unique and stems from a generational gap. I hope the youngsters really listen to what he suggests.
Комментарий от : @mr.least19

the only thing that differs massively is the doors you open and the networking. when you get into an Ivy League school you're networking with people who are going to be very important people, and you form a circle of competent individuals. as for education quality, education is whatever you make of it
Комментарий от : @m1r__

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