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am i the only one who thinks jodi looks like a guy on the thumbnail?
Комментарий от : @tonin5796

I'm getting thirsty wish I had some water
Комментарий от : @zexsin2117

Love y’all
Комментарий от : @jido7008

5:29 who is he? i need names
Комментарий от : @kusti420

Moe speaking facts on Jojo, it has to be one of the most overrated animes of all time and I'm not even exaggerating, especially on Twitter.
Комментарий от : @naping

8:15, that the REAL Mia Malkova?
Комментарий от : @ronsonjames8462

Moe: bUt yAlL sEeN bAnAnA fIsH?

Комментарий от : @akin4484

Jake already causing domestic abuse to his future wife, Water. idk about this boys.
Комментарий от : @TheJustinHit

Let's continue.
Комментарий от : @Ravenq222

am the only one who thinks moe’s content is getting boring/repetitive?
Комментарий от : @pain6334

Moe has the worst taste in anime.
Комментарий от : @jafarius69

Moe is dead to me now
Комментарий от : @kajukid23

You’re welcome for that last clip frizen LOL
Комментарий от : @showtime2701

Everything was nice in jodi stream a was happy then fed came. I didnt want to watch anymore
Комментарий от : @Gor342

Jodi is so adorable
Комментарий от : @nefarius1133

Moe is right Jojo is trash and jojo fans are the worst type of fans, there not even anime fans their just jojo fans
Комментарий от : @bdporignl

From description: “Fed helps Jodi builds a self”

Комментарий от : @HungNguyen-gx5ep

Guys don't start the shipping Fodi again or they'll stop hanging out as much you guys always ruin the content with your overwhelming obsessive shipping
Комментарий от : @Akaro

6:10 its okay Moe, hatting Jojo is a Jojo reference so i'll let that slide


Комментарий от : @LarmesGrive

Actually 2 Pepegas trying to build something LULW
Комментарий от : @FrancoCervigni

2:12 idk why but it was super satisfying seeing jake bump water's head with his own phone for that prank 😂😂 i would get a heart attack
Комментарий от : @cssplayer91

I had to google who Michelle Phan is..
Комментарий от : @sliceout9040

This man thinks Naruto is the greatest shit ever, but says Jojo is trash cuz it has too much filler. im done bro
Комментарий от : @Narukamiiii

Fuck twitch, I need a Sushi Dragon reality show on Netflix
Комментарий от : @achtungbabyblog

Who the fuck says that Jojo part 2 4 and 5 are decent with such good written enemies like Kira and Diavolo
Комментарий от : @ramo9485

Fed always gives me Chad vibes. Like he doesn’t belong to streamer category, he’s too... normal? Like that type of guys who party a lot, just not used to it. I’m used to streamers like soda who streams 14 hours a day or Mizzkif who’s familiar with all twitch memes and all personalities.
Комментарий от : @Saladness

Ok I’m not a jojo frog, but I gotta defend straight up lies. Jojo has absolutely no fillers up to 4th season and has maybe 2 fillers in total. It might turn you down by its art style but give it a chance it’s actually pretty good. (If you think that SAO/Attack on titan/Darlin in franxx/Fairy Tale are good, don’t watch it you prob too adhd for that)
Комментарий от : @Saladness

I have to remind myself every time i see a sushidragon clip that Frizen didn't edit it
Комментарий от : @scatterthoughts

Комментарий от : @1Loftwing1

What did Moe just say about Jojo.....
Комментарий от : @magnusvalls-sjstrand2438

Why do girls get spooked so easily?
Комментарий от : @KenpachiAjax

I love Fed and Jodi interacting with each other without having to shop them or some other dumb shit. They seem really cool to hang out with and have great chemistry
Комментарий от : @NoName-cg4mr

Lol that pink haired girl talking about sunlight when she is one of the most pale people I have ever seen. She's Chinese Geisha level white!
Комментарий от : @lukejposadas

anyone know where jodi got here duck?
Комментарий от : @jklas4568

Moe just got shit taste on anime . Probably just a fake weeb . You haven't see the 7 pages worth of muda , my boy .
Комментарий от : @nix294

Pokimane has left the chat
Комментарий от : @ernestopadilla5382

Moe was speaking straight facts bro, I can’t see what people think is so great about jojo
Комментарий от : @leothylyon5711

6:08 unsubbed and reported this vile human for this slander
Комментарий от : @weon_js1010

I guess moe only likes anime where who can scream and punch the hardest lmao
Комментарий от : @lilysdong1457

Jaime is fake as fuck trying to get the lose thirsty bois
Комментарий от : @Spankmepink

Complaining that jojo has too much filler is like complaining that there is too much strawberry in a chocolate ice cream
There is litteraly none of it wtf is moe talking about 😒

Jojo's not perfect, there is plenty legitimate criticism you can make about it but not that man

Комментарий от : @TheSalakis

Am I the only one who thinks Fed is creepy and cringe?
Комментарий от : @giannnnni

once again vid is up while jodi is still streaming lol frizen with the quickness
Комментарий от : @watermelonsquare7832

Honestly fuck yassuo for his dumbass opinion.
Комментарий от : @YemYum

Jake viewers are such cunts reporting him everywhere he goes, harassing his friends, do they want him to stop streaming or what?
Комментарий от : @ashen0001

4:55 What polite a security guard
Комментарий от : @wyrw

mvp 5:29 who is that
Комментарий от : @dravon5979

Fed and Jodi is better than Fed and poki
Комментарий от : @escapevelocity6134

That yas clip was hilarious
Комментарий от : @Calkirk19

Yassuo calling jojo out for having 'so much filler'... smh
Комментарий от : @ace1931

That girl that Jake always hangs out with makes me extremely uncomfortable
Комментарий от : @Josie.770

Jodi's chat went nuts when Fed came in, holy shit...
Комментарий от : @MrJjmongol

Fed and Jodi giving us all the smolder in that thumbnail
Комментарий от : @infinitetranquilo

When you realize that you f*cked up but you still keep doing it

You're friend reaction: 7:52

Комментарий от : @RMGaddi

whats the game at 7min
Комментарий от : @Poofulol

fed finds another bed to sleep in that's no his own lmao
Комментарий от : @tidalcliff2202

hasan the leech LUL richard has a point he did kinda leech from destiny
Комментарий от : @janedoe165

fodi makes me happy
Комментарий от : @itisshinobi

The last clip is so cool, i wish me and my friends could be like that.
Комментарий от : @WhoCaresAboutHandles

That thumbnail tho 🤔
Комментарий от : @jlu

i am not that toxic but moe can go fck himself jojo is amazing but not the best but still amazing
Комментарий от : @tajwarfahim4647

two pepegas trying to build a shelf
Комментарий от : @DanielRamos-fg3hw

Jodi really out here living in a living room.
Комментарий от : @ShamrockShakee

Комментарий от : @aarushsharma6449

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