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Different Emails - SharePoint vs Power Apps - Unfortunately we cannot use the user email as when I look at the email in SP it says our corporate email address vs in power apps it shows our external email address. I know this is a VERY old video but hoping someone can help with this issue!~
Комментарий от : @AR-yo7fx

This is a great video. Is there a way to do something similar based on a list of users. For example, only people in the sales list can see records related to the sales team, whilst only people in the marketing list can see the records related to the marketing team? Thanks
Комментарий от : @craigjenkins6917

Hi Shane, I have a helpdesk canvas app now I am trying to filter the app so that each technician can only see calls assigned to him, here is my code:
type = "All",
FilterGallery.Selected.TextBox1.Text = "Calls older than 2 days",
Text(DateCreated) <> datetype && Text(DateCreated) <> Text(Today()),
Text(DateCreated) <> Text(
) && Status = "New" || Status = "In progress" || Status = "On hold",
Text(DateCreated) <> Text(
) || Text(DateClosed) <> datetype && Text(DateClosed) <> Text(Today()) && Status = "New" || Status = "In progress" || Status = "On hold",
Text(DateClosed) <> Text(
) && Status = "New" || Status = "In progress" || Status = "On hold",
Text(DateClosed) <> Text(
) && Status = "New" || Status = "In progress" || Status = "On hold"
FilterGallery.Selected.TextBox1.Text = "Calls opened today",
datetype in DateCreated
FilterGallery.Selected.TextBox1.Text = "Calls closed today",
datetype in DateClosed
type in Status

), AssignedTo.Email=User().Email)

instead I am getting an error: Invalid use of " . "
I have a column in sharepoint Ticket list name AssignedTo that I am trying to reference. Any idea

Комментарий от : @petrusottie7411

Thank you Shane. Question, how do I conditionally filter the gallery where users only see their items and admins see all items. I’ve a list of admins that need to view all items in the gallery? Thanks
Комментарий от : @kumnegerholdings

Hello great video. I’ve done what you said but my results are still empty in my gallery. I have no errors in my formula, I don’t know where I’m going wrong.
Комментарий от : @francislaliberte5091

hello shane,
for my leave management application i have created a SharePoint list of approvers who will be approving the request where there are 2 columns one for Department name (type: Text) and another for Managers of that department (type : Person or Group)

Now for the leaves to get approved by the manager how to make an approval screen Showing only the leaves assigned to manager of that specific department when the manager logs in to the app and lands on that specific screen and how to check if the logged in user is a manager or not form the list of approvers that I have maintained

The leave approval screen must not be visible to the requester(Employee)

after the leave is approved or rejected by the manager it should get reflected in the applied leaves list

I want to do this all without power automate flow itself in the canvas PowerApp

please correct my Question if any and if possible try to provide solution step by step


Комментарий от : @ayushrathi4512

Amazing i learned a lot from your video.
Комментарий от : @dhangschannel2nd438

Hi Shane, your videos are great!
If its possible Please make a video on who to filter the gallery with multiple buttons.

Комментарий от : @chintaginjalasrinadh

hi what if the creator email and current user is slightly different. in your situation, you used Lower in the formula because of the capital letter in the email. as for my situation.

in user email there is ".my" at the back while in creator email only stops at .com.

how do i remove/add ".my" ?

Комментарий от : @faizzatulshafika3152

Shane, I have a gallery that shows tasks and who those tasks are assigned to. One task can be assigned to multiple people for review, so my people column in my sharepoint list allows for multiple selections. My gallery shows all the people assigned using the concat function for my 'Assigned To' column, but is there a way to filter a gallery based on the user where the users name is in a people column that allows multiple people, without running into delegation issues?
Комментарий от : @jacobfordmicamountainwrest457

thanks Shane. I guess there is always a 'but' or additional question. How does the 'Power User' ( in other words the 'Manager' loading all TAsks in the control centre , who needs to see ALL the tasks and NOT JUST the ones related to his email address ?. Any work around this ? I'd appreciate your help. Many Thanks again . Kind Regards. Martin ( South Afrtica)
Комментарий от : @martinargimon730

This is one of the best explanations on the topic I have ever seen. Thanks a lot.
Комментарий от : @orlandobaptista4680

Hello Shane, great content, thank you very much! If I want my app to have users who can see everything, what should I do?
Комментарий от : @brunomagalhaes9349

Hi Shane,
Is it possible to filter records like warehouse based on user location in canvas app?

Комментарий от : @mohitmishra962

When I do this, I still don't return the one person.. I return blank, but no errors. and I still get the delegation warning.. I followed your instructions exactly
Комментарий от : @danielspillers1445

Hi Shane, I have a Sharepoint with 120 records. I would like the user to only see their data. None of the users created the data, I created the file in Excel and uploaded into my Sharepoint list. The user will only be editing if the information has changed. How do I do this without using the email. I would like to use the users name. (one field-full name)
Комментарий от : @cathydunwood1640

Hi Shane, thank you for the video. Quick question. I see you have gallery.selected in the Item property for the Editform. I would like to add that to the Item property for an app I am working on, however there is already a SharePointIntegration formula in the Item property from when I generated the app. How do I get the selected item in my filter gallery to show in my Editform without removing the SharePointIntegration formula?
Комментарий от : @benjamincho7237

Hi Shane, have you come across an issue where the filtered gallery shows no errors and plays in the online environment but does not load in when a different user tries it. They have the exact same permissions and I have the same issue if I send the app over to teams despite it working online; there is no premium connection issue as we are using SharePoint lists. Thank you for all the great videos!
Комментарий от : @picklebob656

What if we want to manage user profiles in and excel in onedrive??? How we will validate users thru excel data???
Комментарий от : @divyanshusoni3448

my form is in another screen and I think the formula to filter is not working because of that. Filter('OT Data', 'Creator Email' = VarUser.Email ). nothing shows up. I have other locations to get Creator email from but all give me errors. Do I need to refer to the other page somehow? thanks
Комментарий от : @grbrum

Hello I am trying to get all users by team in a canvas app is it possible I feel like I am losing my time.
Комментарий от : @Vileps

Hi Shane, First of all thank you for making these Nice videos. Secondly, Can you please guide me because "I want to apply current user & view all users filter in PowerApps Gallery by control using radio buttons or drop down". I will be thankful if you can guide me about that.
Комментарий от : @syedmuhammadmustafa4454

Thank you, Shane! I have my gallery filtered by logged in user thanks to your video.
Is the a way to create a 'Admin' tbl and if one of those users were logged in they would see all the gallery records?

Комментарий от : @damianjohnson8001

I keep getting an error
The requested operation is invalid. Server Response: WeeklyHourTable failed: Expression "Username eq null" is not supported. clientRequestId: f18d15d1-822a-40fd-9241-e193040ee843 serviceRequestId: af3691c7-8654-4f95-9d16-3732e4153796;dcf75e41-9ca8-4ed6-b648-dfe34b13a401;b299b3c9-2304-4fb4-bc28-5a6624384aa9

The data loads properly in the end but it seems like there's a lag between when the varuser is set and when the gallery is filtered. Is there any work around for this?

Комментарий от : @sharmisthadatta7476

Shane, what if there are items with no "User" assigned and therefore no email or ID? Do I need to add the filter formula to ignore blanks?
Комментарий от : @billsnyder8855

Thanks for this Shane, fantastic as always.
Комментарий от : @optimisesocialmedia

Hi, if I need to filter the Gallery not only by itens created by each user, but by a category, like: user “A” and “ B” can see “Games” , user “C” can see “ Sports goods” , User “D” and “E” can see “Fruits”, how can I do this kind os filters?
Комментарий от : @nicolasdemichieli

Hi Shane...
How to filter gallery by ID using text input box...or
How to filter a text string based on numbers in it

Please make a video on it..

Комментарий от : @pathimohanadurgasai7816

Still. Best reference channel to Power Apps.
Комментарий от : @AhmedBalfaqih

Great video Shane.

I'm trying to get the email address from Office365Users from a selected display Name in Dropdown box.

my function isn't working. Hopefully you can help.

fx:  Office365Users.SearchUser({searchTerm: Dropdown3.Selected.Full_Name})

I get error : Expected Text value

The property on this control expects text values. The rule produces Table values which are incompatible

Комментарий от : @genovjillella3602

Shane, your videoes are brilliant. Why? Because you run through the steps in a complete and good way so that i understand possibilities and limitations to everyday issues and good possibilities with powerapps/sharepoint
Комментарий от : @leifjohansen5438

Just want to say that your videos have helped a lot. I am also watching your videos from your Power911 site. I do have a question though. I am not sure if it is because this video is old, but I noticed my email addresses are always the same in regarding to case sensitive between varUser, from User(), to any SharePoint user field email address. I could not get it where in PowerApps had all small case characters for the email address. Could this be a change which Microsoft has done?
Комментарий от : @mejohnm

You have awesome videos here and I've been able to build my first PowerApp App thanks to you. So the filter function for my gallery seems to work only with the App Owner's account. When a shared user opens the app it does not work. I'm using multiple conditions in my filter function. For example:
Filter(ListName, Lower(vUser.Email) in Lower(PersonColumn1.Email) || Lower(vUser.Email) in Lower(PersonColumn2.Email))
Can you please help?

Комментарий от : @KwabenaOheneBonsu_09

Hi, Shane, from theory to practice and functional well
Комментарий от : @Javierzorromorales

Thanks for sharing this i know i am late to the page but would it be possible in a gallery to show the Varuser info based on the title. Then have an over arching person who can access all data on the same app?
Комментарий от : @aliciadegouveia3229

Hey Shane what if we want to make a power bi tile user specific
Комментарий от : @manitkantawala9104

Hi Shane, Would you happen to know how to check if the current logged in user is part of a 'SharePoint group' or not?
Комментарий от : @joelgeorgeejoseph

Hey Shane, your videos are great!

I am hoping you can help me with an issue I am having. How can I apply this if I have other filters already on the gallery?

I am trying to only show items that the user has created and filter by a search box and a item status.

I would also like to filter items in another gallery where you can only see items if you are the allocated 'approver' as well as the search box and item status.

Can you please help?

Thanks, Abby

Комментарий от : @abbyv3424

How do I capture the office365users profile id from the input form when the user selects from the person list?
Комментарий от : @jenniferfenstermaker9920

Hi Shane, thank you for this video! Do you know if there is a way to access the extension attribute data of the current user and use it as a filter? I tried to use the office connector but unfortunately, couldn't find the extension attribute filter.
Комментарий от : @lielbenami1517

Комментарий от : @anthonysaiz1890

Hey Shane, do you know if it is possible to add different users in the gallery ensuring they all have granular access to the app to be able to view only their projects? In your example you used the created by function, what if I want to change the created by user email address how can I do this ? I was trying to connect the users to office 365 however unsure of the syntax to use. Also the admin will need to have access to see all the projects.
Комментарий от : @emmanueladebiyi9386

Hi Shane, Thanks for this video because you solve my issue regarding view restrcition in Power Apps.
Комментарий от : @raflesiac15

thanks for all these vids man. really appreciate it
Комментарий от : @BboyDaquack

Hi, how to filter based on account field show list in galary
Комментарий от : @naveenkumarsk3322

hi... can we filter gallery by active licensed users only? means don't want to show the shared mailbox users
Комментарий от : @kanishkaroychowdhury4050

I think followed this to the T and for some reason the variable won't work. If I have the Items property to:

Filter(DATASOURCE, 'Creator Email' = User().Email)
it shows up with the delegation issue, but as soon as I change it to

Filter(DATASOURCE, 'Creator Email' = varUser.Email)

the entire gallery goes blank, but without any errors showing.

I've set the app OnStart to: Set(varUser, User())

Any idea what I've missed??

Комментарий от : @misc_trash

Great video as per usual Shane. Could we not have used the Filter('DataSource', 'Created By'.email=varUser.Email) instead of adding a new column on the list?
Комментарий от : @richardshaw8326

Hi Shane, I setup up the varUser function and place the same formula on the gallery, and it is not filtering out to specific users? Has recent update prevented this from working?
Комментарий от : @manoigroup

Hello Shane, thank you for the knowledge. Could you please share the button's code? I'm getting an error saying "Object must implement IConvertible"

Thank you again sir!

Комментарий от : @bGud

Very good video Shane, thank you !
Комментарий от : @vincenzofrezza

I've watched so many of your videos that each time after you say "Hello, my name is Shane Young from PowerApps-911", I go "Wait who?", and chuckle when you answer lol. Thanks for the great help Shane, stay awesome! Greeetings to Chewy too!!
Комментарий от : @karl-henridorleans5081

How many columns from a table are allowed to be seen in one screen on a phone app?
Комментарий от : @galaxybeats9128

Me again, learnt so much from your videos, thank you and now have a great PDP system built, and am 'tweaking'. So my question: I have a sharepoint list of all employees, and this is in a Gallery, filtered by their department and when the user opens the App, I would like it to auto-select their own record from the gallery. Can this be done?
Комментарий от : @kevinstevenson2927

You are awesome Shane. Thanks
Комментарий от : @pennyp5822

great video. can I use this logic to display the detail of login user in display form? will that work?
Комментарий от : @papithasekar9567

Thanks for the content.
Комментарий от : @andersonsalesramos1861

Hi Shane, great videos. I've been trying to show filtered list for only the current user on a sharepoint site, but it doesn't work. It works for me only and not any other user. The code I use is: Filter(Test, 'Case Handler'.Email=UserEmail) where UserEmail is a variable set
Комментарий от : @mohammedislam7486

Hey Shane, Thanks for the help. What is the owner of the app (me) wants to view all submissions? By your method users can view their submissions, which is what I want. But within my gallery, I would like to have editing and viewing rights on all submissions. Is this possible to do both?
Комментарий от : @patricknassar3790

I'm creating my first PowerApps app and your videos have been SO HELPFUL! I wanted to see if you can help with a little dilemma? I have a SharePoint list titled Clients. One column is of type 'Person or Group' and we can select one or more employees from our Azure users. I'd like to initially filter by this value. Basically, if varUser is included in "Program Manager'. My filter is: "Filter(Clients, varUser.FullName in Choices(Program_x0020_Manager)".

I have verified that varUser.FullName and Choices(Program_x0020_Manager) resolve the same thing, even the same case. However, the filter does not work.

Any suggestions? Or do you have a video that addresses this?

Комментарий от : @GrBritton

Wonderful Video, I have quick question. Can we apply filter function for item created by and assigned to. When user open apps, they can able to see only items assign to them and created by them...data source is SharePoint.

Thank you.

Комментарий от : @kasivalaparla3842

Great videos Shane, thank you. Do you know of a way to present a Users pre-saved data from SharePoint in an Edit.Form for them to update, without them having to select the record from the Gallery?
Комментарий от : @nickingram5406

Very useful video! Can we provide access for users only to see their data in poweapps phone layout?
Комментарий от : @syednasrudeen9370

Thank you for the amazing video. I have a database in Sharepoint, I have tried the code before I editing Sharepoint, and it works. After editing the List View Filter in Sharepoint, come back to Powerapps, it becomes blanks. Any idea with this?
Комментарий от : @jacquelinelee6037

Is there a way to do this based with an "IF" statement as well?
I am trying to filter the navigation to a manager page based on if the user email is = that of an email in my manager people picker column in a SharePoint list.

I have tried the following on a visible property of a navigation button: If(Datasource.ManagerPeoplePicker.Email = User().Email, true, false)

The problem I am running into is that it doesn't seem possible to do the "Datasource.PeoplePicker.Email" concatenation in the beginning.

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot!

P.S. I have watched your videos on how to do this by typing in a specif user email, but I am trying to avoid that at all cost since there are a lot of them that change quite frequently.

Комментарий от : @abanashi

Is there a way to include this Filter but also have a search box??
Комментарий от : @TheHOFNeonDeion21

Can the data be filtered by a view using [Me], then only showing those items to the app? Great video as usual.
Комментарий от : @optimisesocialmedia

How can I have it show only items that have not been resolved? So filter by user but they only see items that have not been status Resolved.
Комментарий от : @michelleadams442

Hi. How to get the user's email from the power apps and call it in a stream.?
Комментарий от : @laurav.rincona.7333

Amazing tutos for beginner :)
Комментарий от : @giudicephilippe5644

Thanks Shane, great video tutorial. Can i ask you how to get the current logged on user`s manager email? We havent azure ad but local AD sync with 365. Thanks a lot
Комментарий от : @diego3d158

iv done everything the same, double checked, and it doesnt show results that i made when im loged in ( doesnt show anyone anything actualy) iv been on this for 4 hours now i dont understand what i did wrong,
do you import the data from a Sharepoint list or from where? for example the part where you wrote the IF statment that shows parent.default if false, trows me an error that "parent" statment is display and cant be used in IF functions, where for you it works normanly,
can anyone help ?

Комментарий от : @franivankovic2385

Good video to show us how to use filter. Thanks
Комментарий от : @cryptocharting3527

Hey Shane I'm looking to make a reporting tool connected to a main site that can then be placed on a second site for project managers to issue monthly reports. I think Power apps is the best way to display and perform this but I'm stuck on getting it to automatically create the next line for say October report and then September report. Do you have a video that will help with this. Also 7 days after the start of the month the first month should lock and not sure how to do that either. Your guidance is always awesome :)
Комментарий от : @chrispearson5008

FYI I had to hit refresh to get varUser to work :) Thanks and excellent video.
Комментарий от : @chrispearson5008

Another great video. Thanks. I love the way you teach. I learned something on this video the hard way. At 12:34 you do something that after watching 15-20 time I never saw before...……. On the APP you Right Clicked and clicked on "Run OnStart". I missed this and was kicking myself why I could not make the filter work. The up side is it caused me to really dig into why the variable was not working and tested my troubleshooting skills. After all that I just happened to be watching intently and saw your actions.
Комментарий от : @stevegardner5802

Another great video! The way I'm using it is a bit different. The person who inputs the list items in SP sets a specific job title which the content should be restricted to (I called the column RestrtictToRole).
First, I inserted a label and set the text to Office365Users.MyProfile().JobTitle
Then on the gallery, I set the item's formula to:
Filter(NameOfMyList,NameOfLabel.Text = NameOfColumn)
To test it, I selected my own job title in the list (so the text in the label matches what's in the column) but it's not returning any results. Thoughts?

Комментарий от : @jeanniehitchcock3345

Will this only work for data submitted via the PowerApp if you have users going directly to the SP List?
Комментарий от : @laurenwhitmore891

Hey Shane, great video. Quick question, I have a formula already in the "Items" box (SortByColumns(Filter(Timesheet, StartsWith(Title, TextSearchBox1.Text)), "DateofWork", If(SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending)) ) but I also want to filter this so that users only see their entries. Where would I insert your formula to achieve this? Can you help?


Комментарий от : @JankoDeGraaf

Great video, very helpful.
In my App's gallery, I also need to show the gallery item's index. I had googled it, but haven't found any answer. so can you please help to make a video about it? Thank you very much.

Комментарий от : @linusshu9639

ts posible conect two list of sharepoint how on database sql azure? for example : lookUP('[DataBase].[Customer]',ID = customerID, Customername). how is it done in sharepoint?. please
Комментарий от : @sagaisaac

Hi Shane, can you please post a video for work around for max 2000 rows limit for gallery or data table.
Комментарий от : @maithilishahane

I really am learning PowerApps so much faster by watching your videos. I was signed up for your App in a Day class in Ft Lauderdale but missed it due to issues here at work but a teammate did attend and was very impressed. Between his help from your class and your videos, I am creating enterprise class apps for my company. I want to thank you so much for helping me accelerate my PowerApps knowledge and helping me love my job again!
Комментарий от : @NKBobcat

hey shane,

I saw your video on for patch and collection in powerapps. i just wanted to ask that if there is a way such that we can save our pictures while being offline and store it online in azure blob storage once when we get a internet connection. I am able to store the text data in offline and online mode via collection but unable to find a way with azure blob storage. Do let me know if there is a way.

Комментарий от : @pranjalsingh287

Thank you for making this video Shane. This is very useful.
Комментарий от : @evznakaflemcintask5031

Thank you for this amazing video! Would you be able to make a video explaining how to connect PowerApps to Azure DevOps through Microsoft Flow?
Комментарий от : @TheUnsungMusician

Chewy is the smartest dog alive! Great job Chewy on all of the help you give Shane!
Комментарий от : @terrisepulveda627

How to use bulk excel data in sharepoint ..? by traditional method its taking lot of time
Комментарий от : @pushkarkaushik326

Hi Shane, do you reckon you could do a future video on setting up a ticketing system in Sharepoint using PowerApps and Flow? Or to add more functionality to the templates that exist?
Комментарий от : @wrightyrx7

Thank you, friend.
Комментарий от : @guuhzo

Nice video Shane. If the records have already been created in using the CDM, how would filtering by user created or owner be accomplished with delegation?
Комментарий от : @jpmensah

Hi Shane - having shown us the inefficient way (with all of the lookups for the Id etc). What about the efficient way ? I have SharePoint lists of thousands of items and would like to know how to filter on current user (or other fields) efficiently Regards. Nigel
Комментарий от : @nigelprice9474

very nice new video !!
Комментарий от : @jeffersonromero366

Thanks for the video! How can I take this and to build one step further to have the user set as a default but with the option for the user to still browse all possible items in a gallery?
Комментарий от : @taylorlevine2082

Hey Shane, you could have not have timed it better. This is the piece before last for my current app! I want to thank you and Daniel Christian for all your help.
Комментарий от : @ziadhamandi3595

good thanks
Комментарий от : @woz8855

Thank you, sir. Another awesome video for all of us to learn a thing or two.
Комментарий от : @randyarmy03

Похожие на видео